Digital National Security Archive - new database now available

Access to the Digital National Security Archive (DNSA) database is now available via

Digital National Security Archive contains the most comprehensive set of declassified government documents available. It includes 41 collections consisting of over 101,000 meticulously indexed documents, with more than 712,000 total pages. Each of these collections, compiled by top scholars and experts, exhaustively covers the most critical world events, countries, and U.S. policy decisions from post World War II through the 21st century. Together, these collections offer unparalleled access to the defining international strategies of our time. Glossaries, chronologies, bibliographies, overviews, and photographs are included.

Access to CIA Family Jewels Indexed is also available via the link to Digital National Security Archive. This is a searchable subject index created by the Digital National Security Archive. This index and its 67 fulltext documents are not integrated into Digital National Security Archive but may be searched and browsed from the link in this database.

